Welcome to Course Selection
Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy of the information in this site, changes may become necessary to accommodate the needs of individuals or groups of learners, because of timetabling restrictions, class sizes, available staffing.
Outlined Achievement or Unit Standards for Senior Students are shown as a guide only. The organisation of course specifics will be subject to change dependent on the cohort. Students should approach individual teachers to clarify standards offered which are specific to them. Course outlines are distributed at the beginning of the school year.
Where a change does occur, students will be informed through the mentoring or course confirmation process.
If you have questions about any aspect, of course, selection please contact your child's whanau teacher or Dean in the first instance.
Year 11-13 students - Rachael Mortimer
Year 7 - 10 students - Mrs Denise Medley or Mrs Gillian Lowe
Other useful members of staff when making course decisions are:
Careers Education Co-ordinator - David Mills
Learning Support - Angela Gold
Guidance Counsellor - Joe Sharp
Deputy Principal - Vicki Henderson
Principal - Kirsten Stevens