Teacher in Charge: Miss J. Smith.
Recommended Prior LearningWhat you need to be able to do and know to achieve in this subject:
To achieve in this subject students would have completed Year 9 and 10 Science.
This Level 1 Science course will include the study of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy and Geology. The topics chosen will be to suit the interests of the class and practical work will be done throughout the year. How many of each a pupil does will depend upon their interests and strengths in the chosen topics. This course is made up of both internal and external assessments.
Who is this subject intended for:
This subject is highly recommended for all Year 11 students:
This course will cover a range of topics for students to get a broad foundation of Science. This will include:
We will be offering up to 15 - 20 Internal credits and 5 External credits. There will be a mixture of practical and theory work, which may include field trips.
Where this subject will lead:
Further study: Level 2 Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Level 2 General Science.
Employment: Success in Level 1 Science is valued by employers and can be used to gain technical jobs and apprenticeships.
This course may have an optional component which may require payment.