Opihi College Opihi College

L3 Physics

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

What you need to be able to do and know to achieve in this subject:
To achieve in this subject students would have completed Level 2 Physics.
Principles studied in Level 2 are covered in greater depth with some new topics e.g. Modern Physics. The course will include an extended practical investigation.

Who is this subject intended for:

Students who have completed Level 2 Physics or at HoF's discretion.

The course will cover a variety of physics topics depending on students' needs and interests.  This will likely include:

  • Investigation
  • Mechanics
  • Nuclear and atomic physics

Depending on the numbers Level 3 Physics will likely run through VCON with support from a teacher in another Science class. Please only choose this if your are definitely interested in this as a stand alone subject, rather than doing some of the standards in the General Science class. 

Learning Areas:
