Opihi College Opihi College

L1 Music

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

Students would have successfully completed Year 9 and 10 music courses and have some experiences on an instrument or as a vocalist.

Who is this subject intended for:

In this subject, ākonga can develop confidence in their ability to express themselves creatively and emotionally through making original music and performing to an audience. Ākonga may work both independently and collaboratively as they continually develop their craft through feedback, reflection, and dedication.

What you will learn in this subject:

  • experience the creative process of music as an individual and in collaboration with others
  • develop skills of the craft independently and in collaboration with others
  • reflect on how music projects contribute to communities, depending on whether they are developed independently or in collaboration with others
  • think about how they are engaging with the wider music community and cultivating shared music experiences
  • develop understanding of the impact music can have on their own feelings and wellbeing
  • develop the ability to complete successful music projects
  • build confidence in upholding the integrity of their musical output

Learning Areas:

Visual Art and Music