Opihi College Opihi College

L1 Hospitality

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs B. Rose.

Recommended Prior Learning

Students require a passion to extend their skills of food preparation and nutrition. It is not necessary to have completed any previous courses in Foods but it is recommended.

Who is this subject intended for:
This course is designed to assist students to continue to extend their knowledge and skills developed from Year 10. This course is for students who have a keen interest in learning and applying these skills to planning and preparing food for themselves as well as others.

What you will learn in this subject:
Practice further and extend the skills already learnt at Year 9 and 10 and acquire a sense of achievement in the practical application of preparing and cooking food. Students gain confidence and motivation as their skills are extended.
●Content: some or all of the following will be covered(dependent upon the student needs)
○Safe food handling practices and strategies.
○Interpreting and applying food and nutritional information.
○ Basic cookery skills

Where this subject will lead:
Gaining credits towards NCEA Level 1 and on towards gaining entry into the Level 2 and 3 Food and Hospitality course. This subject can lead to employment or career opportunities in the Food Hospitality industry.

Learning Areas:



L2 Hospitality

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Take home component - $130