Opihi College Opihi College

L1 Design and Visual Communication

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr E. Peters.

Recommended Prior Learning

What you need to be able to do and know to achieve in this subject: While there is no prerequisite to this subject, successfully completing Years 9 and 10 DVC will be an advantage.

Design and Visual Communication (DVC) focuses on communicating ideas and precise information through drawing. DVC still retains most of the technical drawing skills but has an emphasis on design process, creativity and individual choices. The flexibility of design briefs provided by the course, allows all students to explore different areas and levels of design and drawing. DVC involves a rich variety of learning experiences leading to a wide range of career opportunities, including all the design fields, Engineering, Architecture and Drafting. To develop a rich variety of learning experiences that will lead to a wide range of career opportunities, including all the design fields, Engineering, Architecture, Drafting, Product and Spatial. Course will include instrumental working drawings, freehand sketching, rendering and presentation of work, design process, evaluation and research, pictorial instrumental drawing and design principles.

Who is this subject intended for:
This subject will best suit those students who enjoy working through design ideas and have a certain sense of creativity. Students taking this subject will need to enjoy drawing as well as using computers to create completed design ideas as well as explaining how things work and go together. DVC students will need to be reasonably neat and enjoy taking a pride in their work.

At the HOF/teachers discretion, new students to this subject may do a full internal assessment course.

What you will learn in this subject:
You will continue to develop the skills that you have had a taste of in either or both Year 9 and 10. You will learn to develop both freehand sketching and formal drawing techniques and will explore different ways of presenting your design work.
○Product design
○Architectural and Environmental Design
○Design Presentation
○Understanding Design
○Exploring the Work of Famous Designers

Where this subject will lead:
Level 2 NCEA Design and Visual Communication

Learning Areas:



L2 Design and Visual Communication

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There is a materials charge of $12.00 which covers the use of more expensive consumables, that would be prohibitive to expect parents to purchase