Opihi College Opihi College

L1 Digital Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs B. Rose.

Recommended Prior Learning

Good literacy skills are recommended.

Who is this subject intended for:
Anyone who has a passion for computer programming and digital design.

What you will learn in this subject:

The aim of this course is to give students skills in designing and developing digital outcomes, programming, and presenting information digitally in a variety of forms.

Course content

The main topics studied will be the following:

  • Students will learn the principles of design and apply these using printed and web based materials.
  • Students will develop skills and understanding of html and css to create a multi-page website
  • Students will develop skills and understanding of programming.

Student interested will be taken into account. Electronics may be an option if students have a particular interest.  

Where this subject will lead:
Digital Technologies Level 2. To enhance technological skills and career opportunities in the future.

Learning Areas:



L2 Digital Technology

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

As part of this course you will be recommended to use code avengers for Programming and Web Design- $15